LOWE YOUNG FAMILY SCHOLARS Program accepting applications
The LFYS Program is accepting applications for 2019 student selection.
The LFYS Program partners with BBBS to mentor students from sixth through 10th grades. Once students graduate, they qualify to receive a scholarship ranging in amounts from $2,000 to $4,000 per year to one of the partner universities to which the student has applied and been accepted: Rogers State, Oklahoma Wesleyan or Oklahoma State.
The Lowe Family Young Scholars program exists to assist academically promising yet economically disadvantaged students in the Bartlesville Public School System to prepare for and complete college. The preparation and planning for college may be a daunting obstacle for many students and their parents both financially and organizationally. The LFYS Program wishes to remove these obstacles for qualifying students by providing assistance.
The focus of the program is ensuring all obstacles are removed to assure student success. Students must maintain a 3.0 to be considered for as well as to remain in the LFYS program. With the LFYS program’s guidance, all qualifying students must apply for Oklahoma’s Promise, apply for additional scholarships and take college-track high school courses. Attendance is expected of all parents and students at quarterly meetings where important college information is shared with students and parents. Quarterly volunteer activities are also scheduled throughout the year where all LFYS program members pitch in to help other local nonprofits such as Kiddie Park, Salvation Army, Sun-Fest, and Washington County School Supply. Volunteering teaches all participants that they can significantly and positively impact their community through their efforts.
In addition to receiving a mentor, students are prepared for college and life in general through attending both in-house (Steps 4 Success by Karen Alton) and outside sponsored classes (W.E. Pro$per, West Side Community Center and Finance For You Future, Truity Credit Union). Through these classes, students learn about program values, to prepare for jobs and careers, and to invest and making sound financial decisions. Students are exposed to career exploration through their mentors’ professions, guest speakers at quarterly meetings, and by attending approved summer camps, also paid for through the LFYS Program.
Students may apply by filling out the application, available under the “Student Resources” heading on the LFYS program website at www. loweyoungscholar.org and mailing to the LFYS Program at PO Box 33, Bartlesville, OK 74005. For more information about the LFYS Program or if you are interested in becoming a mentor to one of these academically- focused students, please contact Karen Alton at 918-766-6675 or eat0@eau0eav0eaw0. The deadline to submit applications to be considered this year is March 31.
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Sunday, 1/06/2019