Dear Community Friends, Join with us in achieving our mission of helping local youth earn a college degree through mentorship and college preparation. Your support will help pay for skills and career exploration camps and workshops, AP and ACT exams, Concurrent classes, support the student and mentor matches, and much more. 2020 has brought extra stress for our students and our ability to raise funds. Please consider, today, giving financially to further this mission. Facebook has donated processing fees, so 100% of your donation will go to the LFYS Program! If you have questions or would like to donate via check, you can mail a check to LFYS Program to P.O. Box 33 Bartlesville, OK 74005. If you are interested in a sponsorship for this event, please contact Michael Secora at eat1@eau1eav1eaw1.
Please see our Fundraiser page below for more ways to catch up with and support the LFYS Program.