Student Application
Are you considering applying to join the Young Scholars of Bartlesville? This scholarship and mentoring program is open to Bartlesville Public School students in grades six through ten. Admission is determined by parents' income, student GPA, mobility, and teacher and counselor recommendations. In addition, the student must apply for and be accepted to attend program universities to qualify for the scholarship.
Applications are due March 30th and October 31st of the current year.
- Scholarship- Up to 4K/year based on time in program, attendance, and university selection.
- Mentor- Provides career prep and college support.
- Career Exploration through Summer Camps and Internships
- College Tours
- Up to $200 for Attendance each year (after the first partial year)
- Orthodontics perfect attendance for one year.
- Scholarship list of over 200+ scholarships with deadlines
- Job Application/Interview Assistance at W.E. Prosper
- Classes on Balancing Checkbooks/Loans/ and College Expenses
- ACT/SAT Prep Materials and Class
- Robotics Program
- Supply Closet for School Supplies
- Life Coaching and Strengths Finder Results
- FAFSA/OK’s Promise application support
- Tutoring in-person and online
- Opportunity to Page at the Capitol
Additional Items when funding is available:
- College Dorm Supply Budget
- Interview Attire Funds
- College Laptop Funds
- College Application and Housing Fee Support
- College Resume Support
- Mentor Activity grant funds
- Maintain an unweighted GPA of 3.00 or better at application and while in the program (Mix of A’s and B’s)
- Allow access to grades through the FERPA form for BPS and Tech/Concurrent Classes as needed.
- Match and meet with your Big Brothers Big Sister’s mentor 1-2 times per month to do fun and educational activities.
- Class for Student based on grade level (Steps 4 Success: 7th-8th Grades, W.E. Pro$per: 8th-9th Grades, Finance for Your Future: 11th-12th Grades)
- Volunteer at our planned events four times per year for 2-3 hours per activity
- Attend quarterly program training (4/year) where academic and career topics are discussed.
- Sign a media release.
- Respond to program staff reasonably and promptly.
- Sign up for Oklahoma’s Promise when/if eligible and maintain their requirements.
- Must remain in the BPS system with a 96% or better attendance rate.